How to Spot a Phishing Email

Tech Tips > COVID-19 Security > How to Spot a Phishing Email

How to Spot a Phishing Email

It’s the perfect time for hackers to send e-mails with dangerous malware and viruses.  Right now, your inbox is probably filled with “COVID-19” subject lines and coronavirus-focused e-mails.

Hackers are even using fake CDC-gov e-mail addresses that are not legitimate and spamming inboxes.

How can you tell a phishing e-mail from a legitimate one?  Here’s a few telltale signs:

  • Look closely at the e-mail address to make sure it’s spelled correctly.
  • Hover over any links in the e-mail (but DON’T CLICK) to see the ACTUAL website you’ll be directed to. If there’s a mismatched or suspicious URL, delete the e-mail immediately.
  • Watch for poor grammar and spelling errors.
  • Never download an attachment unless you know who sent it and what it is.

When in doubt, call the person who supposedly sent the e-mail on the phone to verify it’s legitimate.


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