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It is all a cloud

One of the hallmarks of business is pragmatism. Effectiveness, rather than dogmatic purity, is prized. That's demonstrated in the way that businesses are approaching cloud…

HIPAA TIPS: Mobile Device Compliance Part 7

Keep your security software up to date Why should you keep security software up to date? Security risks and threats are changing rapidly. By updating…

Beware of the WannaCry Cyber Attack –…

Overview Below are some frequently asked questions about the WannaCry cyber attack that affected over 150 countries and targeted old Windows systems.   Where can…

How to request IT Support

How to request IT Support The following outlines submitting a support / trouble ticket and contacting our team. We look forward to working with you…

HIPAA Security Reminder of the Week

Where do we place servers that store ePHI? When determining the location of servers with PHI or PII, consider these two main factors: physical and environmental protection.…

Keep business laptops secure

When it comes to notebook computers, their greatest strength can often seem to be their most profound weakness. The very portability that makes them such…

HIPAA Security Reminder of the Week

Tailgating/Access Card Usage Tailgating is one of the most common physical security breaches. It starts out innocently – an employee opens a door and holds…

Endpoint security: 5 things to know

Network security offerings clearly haven't fixed the endpoint security challenge. The problems come on multiple fronts, which calls for a blended solution. Here’s what you…

HIPAA TIPS: Mobile Device Compliance Part 8

Research mobile applications (apps) before downloading What is a mobile app? A mobile app is a software program for mobile devices. Some examples of mobile…

HIPAA Security Reminder of the Week

Your Online Presence Your online presence is all encompassing. The message you send via email or photos needs to be consistent. For a better idea…

Is it time to let go of…

In September, Microsoft told the world that the number of monthly active users of Windows 10 had gone past 400 million. Many of those users…

HIPAA Security Reminder of the Week

Avoid Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Millions of people use free Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing programs / software to swap files over the Internet. P2P can make…

Personal apps: a new healthcare frontier

In the decades since hospitals and doctors’ offices became the traditional way to receive medical treatment, little has changed regarding the way personal health data…

HIPAA TIPS: Mobile Device Compliance Part 9

Maintain physical control Mobile devices are easily lost or stolen due to their small size and portability. A mobile device that is accessible to unauthorized…

HIPAA Security Reminder of the Week

Prevent a Breach of PHI Fax: If you manually enter the fax number, double-check all fax numbers before sending the fax. When discharging a patient,…

Hybrid comes to your EHR systems

There's nothing simple about the IT needs of a modern medical practice. In a small to mid-size practice, the application infrastructure has to support everything…

Want to Cry? 7 IT security risks…

Cybersecurity threats are often associated with larger corporates and multinationals. But the truth is that – as with the recent WannaCry ransomware virus – businesses…

HIPAA Security Reminder of the Week

Working Off-Site When working off-site, remember: Do not take confidential information off-site unless: You have official authorization from your department or division manager and department…

How to pick the right health software

With aging populations, advances in medical technology and the growing importance of ‘e-health’, software vendors are focusing more attention than ever on the health market.…

HIPAA TIPS: Mobile Device Compliance Part 10

Use adequate security to send or receive health information over public Wi-Fi networks What is a public Wi-Fi network? Wi-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity. It…

HIPAA Security Reminder of the Week

Potential HIPAA Security Violations When an unencrypted device containing ePHI is stolen or missing, this could result in a HIPAA security violation. For example: A…

The best games for kids to play…

The value of game-play as an educational technique is now well established. More and more games and platforms are being released each year that help…

HIPAA Security Reminder of the Week

Unique User Identification – Logon ID The HIPAA Security Rule requires Covered Entities and Business Associates to implement a “Unique User Identification” for systems holding…

Backup and DR: Keep your business safe

It’s essential to have the right IT backup and disaster recovery (DR) systems in place if you want to safeguard your company’s digital assets. From…

HIPAA TIPS: Mobile Device Compliance Part 11

Delete all stored health information before discarding or reusing the mobile device Why should you delete all health information stored on a mobile device prior…

HIPAA Security Reminder of the Week

HIPAA Alphabet Soup The Acts that made all this privacy and security possible: HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HITECH Act: Health Information Technology…

Making IT systems work on a community…

The move to a community care model as a way to reduce costs and improve patient outcomes has been a broad trend in healthcare in…

HIPAA Security Reminder of the Week

Identify the Risk Groups and Safeguard PHI Sensitive information, such as PHI and PII, is a critical asset within a health care organization. Identifying the…

Options for enterprise data storage

Local data center, hybrid cloud or cloud? As an enterprise IT manager, you have an unprecedented amount of choice for your storage needs, but finding…

HIPAA Security Reminder of the Week

Computer Security Log out of and lock your computer when stepping away, even for a moment. For a quick way to lock your PC, press…